
Cholangiocarcinoma ;The role of imaging in pre-operation diagnosis

1398/6/12 15:2

cholangiocarcinoma is a challenging disease in terms of both diagnosis and treatment. a definitive diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma should be supported by imaging techniques.Recently we face to increasing and advancing of diagnostic tools in country.But we have not compare them to a gold standard

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Of patients reffered to our center,the patients suspected for Cholangiocarcinoma enrolled. They underwent abdominal CT scaning, MRI/MRCP, ERCP and EUS. The patients that the disease confirmed with two modalities and there was no contraindication for surgery referred to surgery resection .The imaging results of these patients compare with surgery results .


37 patients had confirmation via imagines techniques. Of them 32 patients the diseses was confirmed in surgery.the mean age was 60.3 ± 10.2. The accuracy of US,CT-scaning ,MRCP, EUS and ERCP with cytology exam were 65.36%;78.1%;87.5%;96.6% and 37.5%.The main complain of patients was abdominal pain and purities.


In suspected patients EUS and MRCP must be requested .EUS can give the most accuracy for diagnosis of presence of cholangiocarcinoma and beside main artery and vein involvement the give the best clue for consequence therapeutic strategy